Wednesday, September 26, 2007


wednesday evening at the Ring was a good time. the temps aren't that bad, and the humidity is down allot. so, four of us, andrew, al, gerry and i sat outside with drinks and smoked some fine cigars.

it made me realize that we don't take the time to just sit and talk about stuff. whatever comes up. not the kind of stuff you talk about when prompted by a TV program you're watching. but stuff that gets made up on the fly as the tempo of the conversation moves quickly from person to person, as some brilliant thought is triggered by whatever was last said....a joke, a political viewpoint, travel memories and aspirations.

aspirations....not just dreams we have, more the way we would like things to be. pointedly, the way things should be.

like being able to enjoy a fine steak dinner with a good whiskey, and then either during or following the prime rib, lighting up a fine cigar. but the powers that feel they be some nitwits are doing their best to infringe upon my and our freedoms. if you as a diner do not want to sit next to a cigar smoking individual, then move, or leave. take your whiney assed opinions elsewhere. because that's what they are, opinions.

and that gets us back to the title of this moment of enlightenment. it's about philosophy, beliefs, a system of principles for guidance in practical affairs. i do not believe that second hand smoke ever killed anyone. show me. prove it to me. granted, some nasally, teat-sucking, dimo-dumass might not appreciate the aroma of my cigar. but just because they might look like 5 pounds of mongolian shite in a 3 pound bag doesn't mean we should enact legislation to restrict their activities in public, although it would sure improve the landscape. just leave me and mine alone. that's pretty much all i want from you. my friends feel the same way.

tonight was wrapped up by two analogies given by brother brooklyn al, who, by the way is from manhattan. sayeth al:


" a man of wealth had spent his entire life working hard, making money. still in search of truth, he climbed the mountain to ask the great mahesh mahareshi mahesh mahi mahi yogi, the meaning of life.

finding the mahesh mahareshi mahesh m hi mahi yogi, he asked. "oh, great mahesh mahareshi mahesh mahi mahi yogi....what is the secret of living a long life?"

upon which the great mahesh mahareshi mahesh mahi mahi yogi asked, " do not drink alcohol. do not smoke anything. do not chase after women for fleshly favors."

the man then asked, "will i then live a long life?"

the great mahesh mahareshi mahesh mahi mahi yogi answered, "no, but it will seem like it."


a man died and went to heaven. approching the pearly gates, gabriel stopped him and said, "halt! you may not come in here! you are not allowed! you must go to hell!"

instantly he was sent below and received graciously by the devil, "welcome! please, come right in!"

the man asked why he was being treated so nicely if this was indeed hell.

the devil said, "you may do anything you like here. if you like to drink you will love mondays. you can drink anything you want all day long and no one will stop you! if you like to smoke you can smoke anything you want here on can smoke cigarettes, cigars, pot, crack cocaine..anything, and it's allowed!"

then the devil asked, "and then there is wednesday. by the way, are you straight?"

the man said, "of course i am! i love women!"

the devil said, "well, i don't think you're gonna like wednesdays then!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great time was had by all. Where did this take place?

Robert J.