mario has yet to actually make a notable contribution to the texans, that of being a stand-out defensive end.
reggie played last year with a vigor proving his worth as heisman winner. but this year, seems already stale as the saints are 0-3.
vince on the other hand, has taken over the titans as if he owns them. he continues to engineer wins and has become a true leader for his team.
for some reason, i've always liked the saints, way back to the archie manning days. i don't want to see them change back to the "aints".
Should have...
Could have...
Would have...
What's done is now done. It could be far worse than it is. Texans could have taken a Rex Grossman. Mario is not the worst decision the Texans have made, not the best, but not the worst.
I lived in La. during the "aints" years and things were much worse for them then than they are now. They'll find their groove again.
week 5, 0-5. Ok break out the paper bags.
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